images |
from AV advertisements:
A watercolor-looking picture with a red and purple background
White-outlined picture featuring the giant hand of Yoji
Anime ad featuring the rather large hand of Aya
anime pictures:
Animedia premium telephone card image
Small character sketch
Two drawings offered as prizes in Animage: Aya and Ken, Omi and Yoji.
Photographs from the first
photo collection Voice of Weiß:
Flower shop
Takehito Koyasu:
the earring is a clip-on
Tomokazu Seki
guest-stars on Scooby-Doo
Shinichiro Miki
goes Hollywood
See Shin-chan
run. Run, Shin-chan, run!
Don't you just
want to take Miki-kun home and feed him already?
Hiro Yuuki
models the Posh Boy fall collection
pictures from the second photo collection Du lugst:
(photographs by Saori Tsuji)
a pinup of the four seiyuu as they appear on the cover
Takehito Koyasu pinup
TK in disguise with glasses
TK showing off those skinny-boy hips
Tomokazu Seki pinup
TS courting lung disease
TS in a funky shirt
TS: a close-up of the above so you can count his beauty spots if you want to
Shinichiro Miki pinup
SM looking hung over in a tiger-print shirt
SM sitting on the floor smoking
Hiro Yuuki pinup
HY's moment in the sun
HY: if you look closely, you can see the beauty spots around the right side of his mouthpictures from advertisements:
A snapshot of each of the four seiyuu
The seiyuu standing on a deserted train station platform in weird suits
The seiyuu in front of some sort of tower in the same costumes as above
B/W picture of the seiyuu in white (Voice Animage cover image?)concert pictures (from Anime V article):
Hiro Yuuki
Shinichiro Miki
Takehito Koyasu
Tomokazu Seki
concert pictures (from Animage article)
Weiss (73k)
Takehito Koyasu
Tomokazu Seki
Hiro Yuukisepia pictures (from ending of Animage's "Forever White"):
In costume, standing against a wall
Lounging around, killing timeanime af-reco pictures (from Animedia):
The four seiyuu with a script
The entire cast of the Weiß Kreuz animeother:
The seiyuu doing a live talk (from Anime V article)
The seiyuu near a water pipe (from furoku Anime Song book)
The seiyuu, apparently after having hired a new stylist (from Animedia article on 'Schlag des Herzens')
Tomokazu Seki b/w (from Anime V interview)
Tomokazu Seki with a can of coffee (from Animedia)
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